Articles related

Franz Breuer    

In her monograph, Ursula OFFENBERGER addresses the negotiation of heating technology arrangements in a family home as a form of construction of the home and domestic coziness in the context of gender relations. Her empirical research method is aligned wi... see more

Rodrigo Ramalho,Peter Adams,Peter Huggard,Karen Hoare    

In grounded theory research it is commonly discouraged to conduct a literature review before data collection and analysis. Engaging with the literature about the researched area in that stage of the research is described as a constraining exercise rather... see more

Hella von Unger,Hansjörg Dilger,Michael Schönhuth    

In the German social and cultural sciences attention to research ethics is growing, with empirical researchers increasingly seeking advice and addressing ethical issues in their research practice. In addition, there is an infrastructural debate in this c... see more

Levi Zeleza Manda    

This article reviews three recent books by four authors (two single, one joint) from Australia and Africa. The three books are related in that they all discuss the need to acknowledge the role of dialogic communication and popular participation as cataly... see more

Dirk vom Lehn    

Over recent years, the new sociology of knowledge has become increasingly interested in issues and debates about the ways in which the body features in people's actions and experience of the social world—debates that over the past two decades have also a... see more