Conference Report: Methodological Education in Social Sciences and Its Value for Professional Practice

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Alexa Maria Kunz,Tilo Grenz,Paul Eisewicht    

The 3. Fulda Convention on Fieldwork—essentially based around the concept of lifeworld analytical ethnography developed by Anne HONER—provided a broad insight into recent avenues and challenges in ethnographic research. The reporting team consisted of th... see more

Mei-Chen Spiegelberg    

In March 2019, the German DIY store chain Hornbach published on the online video hosting platform YouTube, an advertisement named "The Smell of Spring." The video led to a heated online debate and triggered a transnational wave of indignation in various ... see more

Estrid Sørensen    

The same video games are played by young people all over the world. All over the world these games become matters of concern. Young people's involvement with video games is of concern to families, industry, science, and regulatory bodies. However, differ... see more

Martina Kolanoski,Oren Livio,Thomas Scheffer    

This report was written by the organizers of the workshop "Accounting for Combat-Related Killings," which took place at the Goethe University Frankfurt in July 2014. Scholars from Israel, the United Kingdom, the United States,, Canada, and Germany came t... see more

Marc Dietrich    

This article focuses on a double review of two anthologies worth reading. The contributions in question analyze an image of the White House's Situation Room from different disciplinary, methodical and theoretical perspectives of image analysis. The image... see more