Presence in Lume’s Work as Temporal Enlargement and Oceanic Feeling



Presence, Aesthetics, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Freud.


The article combines efforts to read Lume’s aesthetic based on possible philosophical connections supported by the notion of temporal enlargement and the Freudian concept of oceanic feeling. The philosophical-conceptual methodology was used to this end. The ideas of composition, fluctuation and saturation plane, delirium, the dissolution of borders and a sense of holistic connection stood out. Presence was the articulating element of Lume’s aesthetic, which is framed by the aforementioned conceptual principles. By exposing two possible receptions, the text intends the comparison with such knowledge to add layers of expansion to the theatrical aesthetic experience, not aiming to reveal meanings, but rather to propose intelligibilities.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Conrado Augusto Gandara Federici, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Campus Baixada Santista, Departamento de Ciências do Movimento Humano, São Paulo, SP

Professor adjunto na Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Campus Baixada Santista. Possui doutorado e mestrado em Educação na área de Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte pela UNICAMP - e graduação em Licenciatura em Educação Física pela mesma Universidade. Possui formação em música e palhaço. Coordenador do Laboratório Corpo e Arte.

Odilon José Roble, Unicamp

Odilon José Roble is Bachelor in Philosophy, Degree in Physical Education, Specialist in Psychoanalysis, Master and Doctor in Education. Professor at the Department of Physical Education and Humanities of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).



Como Citar

Federici, C. A. G., & Roble, O. J. (2021). Presence in Lume’s Work as Temporal Enlargement and Oceanic Feeling. Revista Brasileira De Estudos Da Presença, 11(3), 01–25. Recuperado de



LUME Teatro