Mirror Neurons and Literature: Empathy and the Sympathetic Imagination in the Fiction of J.M. Coetzee


  • Hilmar Heister Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


J.M. Coetzee, empathy, mirror neurons, symathetic imagination, neuroscience


In the two essays “The Philosophers and the Animals” and “The Poets and the Animals” (in The Lives of Animals, 1999) J.M. Coetzee lets Elizabeth Costello urge us to use our sympathetic imagination in order to access the experience of others—in particular, animals—and engage with them empathetically. Coetzee’s fiction illustrates how the use of the sympathetic imagination might evoke empathy in the reader. Narrative structure and the character’s mode of introspection engage the reader’s empathy through an ambivalent process of distancing and approximation, as Fritz Breithaupt puts forward in his narrative theory of empathy (Kulturen der Empathie, 2009). The sympathetic imagination and the complementary notion of embodiment feature prominently in Coetzee’s fictional discourse and resonate with neuroscience’s research on mirror neurons and their relation to empathy.

Author Biography

Hilmar Heister, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Hilmar Heister wrote his MA thesis on narrative strategies in J.M. Coetzee’s Foe, The Master of Petersburg, and Elizabeth Costello. After two years of working as a research assistant at the Seminar of African Studies at the Humboldt University Berlin (2010-2012), he is currently finalizing his PhD dissertation on the sympathetic imagination in the novels of J.M. Coetzee and its relation to empathy and mirror neurons (publication planned for 2015).


