

            Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahya keterampilan siswa dalam menulis kalimat efektif. Hal ini terjadi karena kurangnya media pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia yang inovatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media lift the flap book untuk siswa kelas III SD yakni, menghasilkan media lift the flap book, menguji kelayakan media lift the flap book, dan menguji keefektifan media lift the flap book. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Develompent (R&D).  Hasil uji kelayakan lift the flap book yaitu dari ahli media sebesar 97,7% dan ahli materi sebesar 90,9%. Media lift the flap book efektif digunakan sesuai hasil uji t menunjukkan -t hitung< -t tabel ( -5,67 < -1,68 ), maka Ho ditolak dan uji N-Gain pretest dan posttest diperoleh sebesar 0,45 dengan kriteria sedang. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah media yang dikembangkan sangat layak dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran serta dapat meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam menulis kalimat efektif.

This research was motivated by the poor skills of students in writing effective sentences. This occured due to the lack of innovative learning media in Bahasa Indonesia subject. This study aimed to develop lift the flap book media for the third grade students, namely, to produce lift the flap book media, to test the viability and the effectiveness of lift the flap book media. The research method used Research and Development (R&D). The result of the lift the flap book viability test from media experts by 97.7% and from content experts by 90.9%. The media lift the flap book was effectively used according to the results of the t test showing -t count <-t table (-5.67 <-1.68), so Ho was rejected and the N-Gain test on pretest and posttest obtained a value of 0.45 with moderate criteria . The conclusion of this research is that the media developed was very viable and effective in learning and can improve students' skills in writing effective sentences.