Analysis of the Dilemma Involving Statins and Aspirin as Primary Prevention Alternatives in Cardiovascular Disease

  • Henry Sutanto Institute of Cardiovascular Science, University College London, United Kingdom


Cardiovascular disease is one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Nowadays, alongside the developments of various medical therapeutic strategies, there is a decreasing trend of cardiovascular mortality. However, this reduction is not adequate and needs to be supported by cardiovascular prevention approaches. Statins and aspirin are two of cardiovascular drugs that are believed to be beneficial in cardiovascular prevention. Their magnificent efficacies in the secondary prevention setting lead them to be used in the primary prevention. However, some safety issues associated with the drugs should be considered. For that reason, based on previous trials and studies, some recommendations regarding the efficacy-safety issues are developed.


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How to Cite
Sutanto, H. (2017). Analysis of the Dilemma Involving Statins and Aspirin as Primary Prevention Alternatives in Cardiovascular Disease. Indonesian Journal of Cardiology, 38(1), 38-48.
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