The meaning of law in the changing world


  • Yasemin Işıktaç


Political, economical and social reforms - economical development - legal transformation - futuristically approaches - specialization - burocratical transformation - application of law, Siyasal, eknomik ve sosyal reformlar - ekonomik gelişme - hukuksal


The main reasons which separate the present transition term from the other transition terms of history of civilization are the universal economical outbreak, renaissance in art, a wide point of view which was provided by universal life-styles and culturel nationalism, the increasing of social welfare and role of women in society, the using of biological posibilities sufficiently, the religious renaissance in third millennium and finally the victory of  the individual and rising their values.

On the other hand, fundamental rights and liberties which human has innate are no more only under the guarantee of the states. These rights at the present are also protected by the control mechanisms of various international institutions. In addition to the expectation of that a state will have rule of law, developments related to restriction of state authorities have been becoming common.


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Author Biography

Yasemin Işıktaç

Doç. Dr. Yasemin Işıktaç

İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi Anabilim Dalı Başkanı Beyazıt İstanbul



How to Cite

Işıktaç, Y. (2006). The meaning of law in the changing world. Journal of Human Sciences, 8(1). Retrieved from


