Using Short Fiction to Teach Business and Environmental Ethics

Novita Dewi, Fransiscus Asisi Joko Siswanto, Francisca Reni Retno Anggraini


This study firstly explores Ecohumanism as the educational paradigm in today’s world. Raising environmental awareness is essential in studying economics to care for the sustainability of earth resources. Using the content-analysis method, the first part of the study looks at how several basic principles in business and environmental ethics can be found in the world of fiction, in this case, a short story. The second part applies quantitative-qualitative data to examine the accounting students’ ability in showing ethical attitudes when facing business problems that potentially cause ethical violations as represented in the short story. From the questionnaire involving 118 accounting students in Indonesia and interviews with randomly selected students, the analysis reveals that the students grasp the concepts of integrity, respect for rules, respect for the environment, and professionalism. This study contributes to the gap in the practical and pedagogical field of using fictional case to teach business and environmental ethics for students of economics.


Ecohumanism; ethics; fiction; professionalism; sustainability

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