Babad Banyumas Wirjaatmadjan: Magical-Religious Values in Banyumas Society

Ali Ma'ruf, Nunuk Suryani, Hermanu Joebagio


This research explains the describing of magical-religious values in Banyumas society that contain in Babad Banyumas Wirjaatmajan. Banyumas society as one part of Javanese has trust to something that magical. A Belief system or religion in Javanese has a connection that related to the ancestors. Trust to Magical power in the Banyumas society that grows until now. Words or ancestral discourse are claimed important by Java and Banyumas society that still uphold the traditional values.  Traditional values in Java and Banyumas society always identified with something magical. This research tries to give the knowledge about custom, habit, and the mindset of Banyumas and Javanese society to the magical-religious values that grow in the society through Babad Banyumas Wirjaatmadjan. Magical-Religious values in the research are taken from an ancestral discourse of Banyumas are Raden Baribin, Adipati Wargautama I, and Joko Kaiman that written in Babad Banyumas Wirjaatmadjan. Magical-Religious in Banyumas society, they are pepali of Sabtu Pahing, pepali of eat white cucumber, pepali persecute partridge that all of that is the command of Banyumas society ancestors.


Magical-Religious; Babad Banyumas Wirjaatmadjan; Banyumas society

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