Use of Linkage Technique in Johannes Brahms’ op. 78 and Leopoldo Miguéz’s op.14 Violin Sonatas

Desirée Johanna Mesquita Mayr, Carlos de Lemos Almada


This paper specifically addresses linkage, a characteristically Brahmsian technique employed in the formation of musical ideas through the gradual transformation of precedent elements, being considered an indicator in the use of developing variation. After a detailed review of the literature encompassing definitions, classification and exemplification considering works of three theorists (FRISCH, 1984. SMITH, 2007. RAHN, 2015), an original proposal for a typology of linkage is presented. We compare a special occurrence of linkage in Brahms’ Violin Sonata, op. 78 to two similar occurrences in Leopoldo Miguéz’s sonata op. 14, a work of the same genre.. The results reinforce the hypothesis that Miguéz had employed organic constructive processes in his piece.


Linkage; violin sonatas op. 78 by Brahms and op.14 by Miguéz; developing variation.

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Direitos autorais 2016 Desirée Johanna Mesquita Mayr, Carlos de Lemos Almada

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OPUS - Revista Eletrônica da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Música (ANPPOM)
ISSN 0103-7412 (versão impressa, 1989-2008), ISSN 1517-7017 (versão online, 2009- )