
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan model Problem Based Learning terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas V SDN Mujur Kecamatan Kroya Kabupaten Cilacap dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran langsung. Jenis penilitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian yaitu ekserimen kuasi dengan bentuk nonequivalen control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SDN Mujur Kecamatan Kroya Kabupaten Cilacap. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN Mujur 01 sebagai kelas kontrol dan siswa kelas V SDN Mujur 04 sebagai kelas eksperimen. Hasil uji-t menunjukkan thitung > ttabel yaitu 2,367>1,99, artinya hasil belajar kelas eksperimen lebih besar dibandingkan kelas kontrol (76,97>70,56). Hal ini didukung hasil N-Gain kelas eksperimen berada pada kritera sedang (0,436) dan N-Gain kelas kontrol (0,209). Bedasarkan Hasil penelitian maka disimpulkan bahwa model problem based learning lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran langsung.

This research aimed to test the effectiviness of the problem based learning model application for learnng outcome of scienceat fifth grade in Mujur Elementary School Kroya, Cilacap. The type of this research was experiment with design quasi-experimental in the form of nonequivalent control group design. The population of thi research were all students at fifth grade in Mujur Elementary School. Research samples were taken by using random sampling techniques. The subject of this research were the fifth grede in Mujur 01Elementary School as a control group and fifth grade in Mujur 04 Elementary School as experiment group. The t-test result show that tcount>ttable (2,367>1,99), and it mean that the learning outcome of the experiment class was better than control class’s (76,97>70,56). In addition, the N-Gain test of experiment class was 0.436, which included in medium criteria. In the other hand, control class showed 0,209 for it’s N-Gain which included in low criteria. Based on the researh result, it could be concluded hat the problem based learning model was effective than directive learning.