The Reflection Of Environmental Law In Local Wisdom Concept Of Balinese People In Bali

I Nyoman Budiana, I Wayan Suderana


Environment is a place for living things to live their life. The environment must be kept, maintained and developed continuously in the variety of plants existing in it. Therefore, the water source can be maintained and it can flow all the time. A simple but effective step to provide essential benefits for human life is by empowering customary people with a variety of local wisdom they have in keeping and maintaining the forest. All people who behave selfishly tend to exploit these resources, that lead to a decrease in the quality and quantity of natural resources. This selfish and free behaviors exploit natural resources, so the environment is damaged and the society as a whole suffers losses from generation to generation. Bali, supported by 1493 customary villages (pakraman), has a basic concept in managing the environment known as the Tri Hita Karana concept. All forms of activities that lead to conservation efforts and a more progressive arrangement in Balinese society will be able to be maintained well.


environment, forest, law, customary villages, customary people, and local wisdom

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