Health-Improvement Competences Formation Technique in Future Police Officers by Means of Personality-Oriented Approach to Physical Education

Igor Kopotun, Bohdan Holovkin, Larysa Nalyvaiko, Iryna Hrytsai, Olena Tkachova


The objective of this study is to experimentally test how the technique based on a “21-day Health Marathon†training under the students’ own program of intensive physical self-training being supervised by a personal tutor and stimulated by daily gain-and-loss-framed messages, and elements of gamification (badges for certain achievements) influences the formation of health-improvement competencies for future police officers, their learning motivation, conscious learning and to what extend this technique reformats students’ way of thinking in terms of continuous health-improvement. The 2X2 method of randomized split plots was used to analyze the quantitative data. A two-way ANOVA was used to identify the main results for the factors in the columns and lines, and to determine the degree of their interaction in the context of determining the effectiveness of the experiment. The data obtained in the focus group survey were processed using Textalyser web tool. To process students’ answers to the questions, we identified the most commonly used positive words in the answers that helped us identify broad categories of answers such as: “improvementâ€, “healthâ€, “motivationâ€, “speedâ€, “concentrationâ€, “future workâ€. The research has shown that the use of this model has a positive impact on the state of development of value-motivational and activity-reflexive components of health-improvement competencies in future police officers, as well as on their awareness of the main direction and model of their future professional activity focused on the formation of personality traits, and not just on obtaining a certain volume of theoretical professional knowledge.


high school; future police officers; health-improvement competences; physical education; personality-oriented approach

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