Village Asset Mapping for The Development of Rawabogo Tourism Village

Imam Indratno, Chusarini Chamid, Tony Judiantono, Husni Syam, Siti Al Zyanasya, Vernanda M Sonya, Nurrhisma Yuniar, Muhamad D Zulfikar


In developing a tourism village, one of the absolute conditions that must exist is the existence of natural potential, socio-cultural potential, and the creativity of local communities as assets that can be explored and developed. Rawabogo Village is designated as a tourist village because it has natural potential in the form of Mount Nagara Padang and community agricultural and plantation activities. However, besides this potential, there is another potential owned by Rawabogo Village, but its existence has not been explored optimally. The purpose of conducting this research is to identify further related possibilities of Rawabogo Village, which can be explored through a set mapping, so that an effort can be formulated in the development of Rawabogo Tourism Village. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques from interviews and direct observation. The results of the asset mapping show that the village of Rawabogo has a diversity of assets, not only in nature but also socially and culturally, that can be explored and developed because of its values and character. The results of asset mapping in the development of Rawabogo Tourism Village propose to implement community-based tourism development.


Asset Mapping, Tourism Village, Rawabogo Village, Pemetaan Aset, Desa Wisata, Desa Rawabogo

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