Juridical Analysis of GMS Electronic Policy (E-GMS) on the Morality of Notary Responsibilities

Syifa Rana Tsary


This research emphasizes the development of an increasingly modern era and affects various sectors that have an impact on various professions, for example; Notary Public. The electronic rules for the General Meeting of Shareholders (e-GMS) trigger doubt when a Notary wants to carry out his duties and authorities in terms of making a relaas deed. The problem of this research is how are the rules of e-GMS according to Law No. 2 of 2014 concerning the Position of a Notary against a Notary and what are the legal consequences for the morality of a Notary who violates the regulation? The research method used is normative and literature study based on primary materials (laws), secondary materials (scientific works, journals, books, documents, and other literature), and tertiary legal materials (legal dictionaries). The results of this study indicate that the e-GMS rules are contrary to the law of notary, in particular Article 18 which states the domicile and area of the office, and that Notaries who commit violations must be legally and morally responsible.


Electronic General Meeting of Shareholders; Notary; Legal Liability; Cyber Notary

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i12.4154


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