Entrepreneurship Education: Encouraging Entrepreneurial Intentions for Equality Education Students in Semarang

Imam Shofwan, Sunardi Sunardi, Gunarhadi Gunarhadi, Abdul Rahman


This study aimed to determine the factors that influence students' entrepreneurial intentions and the influence of entrepreneurship education on students' intention to become entrepreneurs. This research study used a mixed methods approach. The collection of research data was carried out with the help of a questionnaire (for quantitative data) and through group discussion forums (for qualitative data). Respondents in the study were 100 students who attended equality education in Semarang. This shows found there is a difference between the levels of interest of students who take part in entrepreneurship learning and those who do not. Family background and income have positive effects on students' intentions to become entrepreneurs. Students with entrepreneurial family backgrounds tend to be more interested in becoming entrepreneurs than students who do not have an entrepreneurial family background. In addition, students' perspectives on entrepreneurship positively affected their entrepreneurial intentions. Significance: Students' perspectives on entrepreneurship are related to their motivation to start new businesses that would be easily accepted by the social environment. All respondents agreed that entrepreneurial intentions could be improved through the role of entrepreneurship education during inequality education. To ensure the education is more targeted and all entrepreneurship education goals are achieved, it should have more effective curricula, methods, and learning system models. Cooperation between all elements incorporated in the entrepreneurship education system is indispensable for generating successful young entrepreneurs through entrepreneurship education.



Entrepreneurship Intention; Entrepreneurship Education; Equality Education

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