Inter-Village Network Of Joint Village-Owned Enterprises For Local Economic Empowerment

Tarlani Tarlani, Gina Puspitasari Rochman, Lely Syiddatul Akliyah, Adhyasta Firdaus, Haifa Aulia Shoobiha, Rifqi Fajar


Villages as the frontline of poverty alleviation are required to adapt and be able to utilize the information and communication technology. The Joint Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDesma) Panca Mandala innovates through the development of technology-based business units in the fields of information technology, animal husbandry, and agriculture. This study aims to identify inter-village networks as part of local economic empowerment efforts. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection using interviews and institutional surveys (purposive sampling) and data analysis using qualitative descriptive analysis methods. There are 16 key informants, namely stakeholders who have a relationship with BUMDesma, managers, village officials, and the village society. Study results show that the inter-village network is built on the initiative of the community who are aware of the gap in the economic condition of the village community and can take advantage of digital gap opportunities. The inter-village network is built by villages that have the same goals and funding capabilities for their respective BUMDes. The networks are not only formed between villages, but also with external parties. The inter-village network was built because of local economic empowerment and development. Meanwhile, external networks are formed for the development of innovation and utilization of business units.


Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes), networks, local economic empowerment

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