The Importance of Using Electronic Deeds to Facilitate The Service and Storage of Notary Archives

Henry Donald Lbn Toruan


The rapid progress of the development of information technology has made many changes in human life on earth. Work and activities that used to be done manually are now shifting to using a technological approach. This has been applied in assisting tasks in government and business such as banking, and trading in cyberspace. The rapid advancement of technology in this age of informatics that can provide speed, accuracy, and certainty is a solution to solving various problems and at the same time providing benefits for its users. Notarial deeds play a very important role in facilitating business transactions in the form of trade contracts or other deeds in banking. But unfortunately, in the midst of the advancement of information technology, it turns out that the notarial deed currently does not support the rapid progress of the technology. The question is whether it important to make an electronic deed in carrying out the duties of a notary. The research method used in this paper is a normative juridical method because the results of legal research on electronic deeds that have been carried out so far are still in the form of literature



electronic deed;implementation;notary duty

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