Strategi Pengelolaan Ekowisata Mangrove Munjang di Desa Kurau Barat Kabupaten Bangka Tengah

Management Strategy for Ecotourism of Munjang Mangrove in Kurau Barat Village, Bangka Tengah Regency.

  • Dwi Saputra Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan
  • Kuniawan Salim Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan
  • Christianingrum Christianingrum Ekonomi Universitas Bangka Belitung


The research aims to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of supporting mangrove ecotourism, and analyze management  that need to be carried out in the development of mangrove munjang ecotourism, which can finally be identified as management recommendations that managers can undertake in developing ecotourism. The time and place of the study was carried out from November to December 2018 at the Mangrove Munjang Ecotourism in Kurau Barat Village, Bangka Tengah Regency. The research method used is the questionnaire method by taking 95 respondents. The data analysis method used SWOT analysis method. The results showed that there were seven internal factors, the factors which were strengths were facilities, natural resources, human resources, land status and security and weakness factors were culinary and souvenir centers. There are nine external factors, the factors that become opportunities include community support, community attitudes, utilization of mangroves, infrastructure, travel time, government support and government laws and regulations, and threat factors from external factors are public participation and public transportation. Development using aggressive strategies, this is based on calculations and analysis shows that activities are in quadrant I with a coordinate point (1.2899; 1.2904). The priority strategy is SO, which is developing by utilizing the strengths that are owned and optimizing the opportunities that exist in ecotourism.

Keywords: Development Strategy, Ecotourism Munjang Mangrove, SWOT


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How to Cite
Saputra, D., Salim, K., & Christianingrum, C. (2019). Strategi Pengelolaan Ekowisata Mangrove Munjang di Desa Kurau Barat Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. Akuatik: Jurnal Sumberdaya Perairan, 13(1), 27 - 41.
Abstract viewed = 1173 times
Dwi Saputra, Kurniawan, Christianningrum downloaded = 1656 times