Enhancing Teacher Competence: Exploring Managerial Activities, Academic Supervision, and Organizational Climate in Public Elementary Schools

Rusdi Rusdi, Sabariah Sabariah, Husnul Madihah


This study aims to examine the direct and indirect relationships between managerial activities, academic supervision, organizational climate, and teacher professional competence in SD Negeri Kuripan District, Barito Kuala Regency. A quantitative approach with a correlational method was employed, utilizing a path analysis model. The sample consisted of 55 teachers selected through saturated sampling. Data was collected using questionnaires and documentation of PKG results. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, prerequisite tests (normality, linearity, multicollinearity), validation and reliability tests, multiple regression hypothesis testing (t-test, F-test), effective contribution analysis, relative contribution analysis, and path analysis. The findings revealed a direct relationship between managerial activities and teacher professional competence (0.352), managerial activities and organizational climate (0.424), academic supervision and teacher professional competence (0.335), academic supervision and organizational climate (0.380), and organizational climate and teacher professional competence (0.346). Moreover, there were indirect relationships between principal's managerial activities through organizational climate and teacher professional competence (0.147), as well as academic supervision through organizational climate and teacher professional competence (0.131). In conclusion, this study confirms both the direct and indirect relationships between managerial activities, academic supervision, organizational climate, and teacher professional competence.


Managerial; Climate; Professional Competence; Teachers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i6.4919


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