“Work From Home Analysis Of Employee Productivity Mediated By Work Life Balance And Job Satisfaction For Female Employees During The Covid-19 Pandemic” (Studying At Bank Mandiri Samarinda Area)”

  • Panji Sukma Nugraha Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda, Indonesia
Keywords: Work from Home, work life balance, job satisfaction, employee productivity


Work From Home (WFH) is referred to as a modern work concept where employees do not have to commute to work and can complete work remotely. WFH has a major influence on work results or employee productivity, especially for women. The purpose of this paper is to identify, analyze and prove the effect of work from home on work life balance and job satisfaction to achieve employee productivity of Bank Mandiri employees in the Samarinda area. This research was conducted using quantitative methods using population instruments and a sample of 110 employees of Bank Mandiri Samarinda. Data collection is done by using a questionnaire. The analysis method uses the Structural Equation Model with the Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) approach, which is tested with the outer model (measurement model) and inner model test (structural model). The results of the study show that work-life balance has a non-significant positive effect on employee productivity, meaning that it increases work-life balance and slightly increases employee productivity. Employees get a balance of satisfaction, namely job satisfaction and satisfaction in being able to do household work, but this does not produce good performance.


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