Government Internal Control System Maturity: The Role of Internal Guidance and External Control of Local Government in Indonesia

Sutaryo Sutaryo, Dedi Sinaga


This study discusses the Government Internal Control System (SPIP). The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence of influence of guidance, external control, and the characteristics of Local Governments on Internal Control (SPIP) maturity of local governments in Indonesia. The samples used in this study are 188 local governments in 2014. The variables used include the dependent variable, i.e. the SPIP maturity of local government; Independent variables, i.e. guidance frequency, the number of internal control findings, total assets, total expenditure and the number of local government units. This study uses secondary data obtained from the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) and the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). This study uses multiple regression analysis and the results show that the guidace frequency and total expenditure have a positive influence on maturity of SPIP, SPI finding has a negative influence, and the total assets and the number of units do not have significant influence on the maturity of SPIP.


SPIP; Maturity; Accountability; Internal Control; External Control; Characteristics of Local Government

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