The study of the mineral composition of parmelia perlatathalli


  • O. A. Kyslychenko National University Pfpharmacy, Kharkiv
  • V. V. Protska National University Pfpharmacy, Kharkiv
  • I. O. Zhuravel National University Pfpharmacy, Kharkiv



mineral elements, lichen, Parmeliaperlata, atomic-absorption spectroscopy.


Introduction. Parmelia perlata is a widespread lichen that belongs to the Parmeliaceae family. In Ayurvedic medicine thalli of Parmelia perlata are used for the treatment of a series of diseases of different genesis. Literature data contain information that the representatives of Parmeliaceae family show a wide spectrum of biological activity, in particular, possess anti-bacterial, cardiotonic, spasmolytic, antioxidant and other types of activity.

The aim of the study – to learn the mineral composition of parmelia perlata thalli of Kazakh and Russian production.

Materials and Methods. For the study of the composition of micro- and macroelements by the atomic-absorption spectroscopy method Parmelia perlata thalli of Kazakh and Russian production were used.

Results and Discussion. As a result of the study the content of 19 mineral elements in Parmelia perlata thalli of Kazakh and Russian production was determined. The dominating elements in both studied objects were calcium and silicon. The content of calcium in the raw material of Kazakh production comprised 2270.00 μg/100 g, and in the raw material of Russian production – 1938.00 μg/100 g. The content of silicon in the raw materials studied comprised 1815.00 μg/100 g and 1619.00 μg/100 g respectively. The content of iron and magnesium in both samples was almost identical, while the content of sodium and potassium in the raw material of Russian production was 1.5 times higher than in the raw material of Kazakh production. Both samples were found to accumulate magnesium and zinc in quite high concentration. The content of heavy metals in both raw material samples was within the limit of maximum permissible concentration for medicinal plant material and food products according to the requirements of the current legislation.

Conclusions. The obtained results can be used at working out medicines on the basis of Parmelia perlata thalli and the quality control methods for the raw material.


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How to Cite

Kyslychenko, O. A., Protska, V. V., & Zhuravel, I. O. (2018). The study of the mineral composition of parmelia perlatathalli. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (1), 117–122.

