Why I Work in the Field of Language Variation and Change


  • Michaela Hejná




linguists, language variation and change, historical linguistics, phonetics, phonology


This perspective introduces the reader to what it is that a linguist working within the field of language variation and change does. I first outline what the goals of the field are. Next, I provide examples from my own work that illustrate what a researcher in my field may investigate and how. I also discuss what a teacher in my field can get to teach and why interacting with the students is, in my view at least, essential. We finish with a brief comment on whether and how the world can benefit from the insights of the field.

Author Biography

Michaela Hejná

Michaela Hejná is an assistant professor of linguistics at Aarhus University.


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How to Cite

Hejná, M. (2018). Why I Work in the Field of Language Variation and Change. Leviathan: Interdisciplinary Journal in English, (2), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.7146/lev.v0i2.104686


