Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Web Dan Dashboard Visualisasi Data Untuk Monitoring Minat Baca Pada SMK Negeri 21

  • Alvin Ramdhani Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I
  • Ahmad Muhammad Thantawi Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I
Keywords: Library, Dashboard, Data Visualisation, Monitoring, Reading Interest


Libraries are one of the supporting components in academic institutions, namely they play an important
role in providing books as a source of learning reference. Therefore, libraries must also be equipped with
good information systems so that the library's role in academic institutions is maximized. The current library
information system still has shortcomings, such as registering existing books, searching for book data,
borrowing and returning transaction systems that do not yet use a computerized system. The aim of this
research is to build a website library information system that can simplify library data management, record
book circulation in the library and produce information for monitoring reading interest through a data
visualization dashboard. The website-based library information system was built using the waterfall method
using the PHP programming language, MySQL database and the Codeigniter framework. This system is
modeled with the UML standard. This web-based library information system has five menus, , book requests,
reports. The results of the research show that designing a web-based library information system at SMK
Negeri 21 Jakarta can help students access information regarding book data in the library, assist library staff
in book management and produce data information for monitoring reading interest via dashboard. The final
stage is implementing the information system which includes the implementation of software, hardware,
databases and interfaces for the resulting applications.
