Single-day therapy: an expert opinion on a recent development for the episodic treatment of recurrent genital herpes


  • Стівен Тайєрін University of Texas Health Science Center, United States
  • Камал Хамед Transplantation and Immunology Unit, Novartis, East Hanover, United States
  • Гарі Річвалд Los Angeles, C, United States



single-day Famciclovir, genital herpes, patient-initiated episodic therapy


One common method for treating recurrent genital herpes outbreaks is 3-5 day episodic therapy with nucleoside analogues. However, since maximum viral replication occurs within 24 h after the onset of symptoms, short-term patient-initiated episodic therapy started at prodromal onset or at the first appearance of lesions in patients without a prodrome may represent an important option. In a recent randomized trial, single-day Famciclovir treatment decreased lesion healing time and the duration of pain and other symptoms by approximately 2 days compared to placebo, and prevented progression to a full outbreak in almost one in four patients. 

Author Biographies

Стівен Тайєрін, University of Texas Health Science Center

Department of Dermatology, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and Internal Medicine

Камал Хамед, Transplantation and Immunology Unit, Novartis, East Hanover

Infectious Diseases


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How to Cite

Тайєрін, С., Хамед, К., & Річвалд, Г. (2013). Single-day therapy: an expert opinion on a recent development for the episodic treatment of recurrent genital herpes. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (9), 92–94.



Inflammatory diseases