

 Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi permasalahan keterampilan menulis. Tujuan penelitian adalah  menguji keefektifan model Think Pair Share terhadap pembelajaran menulis paragraf  pada siswa kelas III SD Gugus Hasanudin Batang. Jenis penelitian  ini  adalah eksperimen dengan desain eksperimen semu bentuk non-equivalent control group desain. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas III SD Gugus Hasanudin Batang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster sampling dan  terpilih  SDN Ujungnegoro 02 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan SDN Depok 02 sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan  adalah  uji normalitas, homogenitas, kesamaan rata-rata, hipotesis dan uji n gain. Hasil pengujian hipotesis mendapatkan hasil nilai t hitung adalah 2,639; nilai t tabel dengan df=59 adalah 1,671 data tersebut menunjukan bahwa t hitung > t tabel maka    diterima. Simpulan pada penelitian ini adalah model Think Pair Share  efektif  terhadap pembelajaran menulis paragraf pada kelas III SD Gugus Hasanudin Batang.

This research is based on the student writing skill problem which aims at finding out the effectiveness  Think Pair Share model for the study of writing paragraph for the third grades of State Elementary School cluster Hasanudin Batang. This is the experimental research by using quasi-experiment design of nonequivalent control group design type. The population of this research was all of third grade students in State Elementary School cluster Hasanudin Batang. The technique in taking sample used sampling cluster, whereas State Elementary School Ujungnegoro 02 was chosen as the experimental class and State Elementary School Depok 02 as the control class. The data analysis techniques used were normality, homogeneity, averages equality, hypothesis, and n gain tests. The results of hypothesis test showed that t-count was 2,639, and t- value table with df=59 was 1,671. The data calculation revealed that t-count was bigger than t-table , so the working hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. The conclusion of this research is the Think Pair Share model was effective for learning activity of writing paragraph in the third class of State Elementary School cluster Hasanudin Batang.