Impact of Prosocial and Positive Emotional Languages of Teacher on Habits of Students: Some Quantitative Empirical Evidence

Anbu Savekar, Shashikanta Tarai, Moksha Singh, Roopak Raag


Previous studies have shown that motivation and interpersonal communication between teacher and student contribute to the learning of language. Till date, there is no quantitative study to assess the impact of prosocial and positive emotional contents that influence English learning and modulate the habits of students. This paper examines the effect of prosocial and emotional languages on the habits, attitudes and behaviours of students. Nine habits that are proposed by Covey (2013) related to emotional, productive and proactive were evaluated using an assessment sheet.  Comparative analysis of the response scores collected before and after the lectures were carried out (control group, N=14 and experimental group, N=14). Our results showed that prosocial and positive emotional words accelerated the language-learning environment and also brought a positive change in the behavioural habits of students of the experimental group. The reactive behaviours of the experimental group were controlled by using prosocial and positive words. Prosocial and positive emotional languages have a profound effect on the proactive behaviours of students that reinforce greater self-efficacy and facilitate the learning environment. We interpreted these results within the socio-cognitive theory of human behaviour, learning and language processing. 


Positive emotion; prosocial language; language learning; proactive; classroom

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