

Rendahnya kualitas pendidikan disebabkan oleh hasil belajar siswa di beberapa mata pelajaran yang terbilang rendah. Hal tersebut didukung oleh data hasil belajar PAS IPA siswa kelas IV SDN Gugus Diponegoro Kabupaten Pati yang terbilang rendah. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah kurang mengetahui model yang cocok digunakan saat pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji keefektifan model make a match berbantuan kartu bergambar terhadap hasil belajar ipa siswa kelas IV SDN Gugus Diponegoro Kabupaten Pati. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan jenis penelitian quasi eksperimen. Sampel penelitian ini adalah kelas IV SDN Tambahmulyo 01 sebanyak 18 siswa dan kelas IV SDN Tambahmulyo 02 sebanyak 14 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen, kelas IV SDN Sonorejo sebanyak 26 siswa dan kelas IV SDN Kedungmulyo sebanyak 18 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Data hasil belajar dianalisis menggunakan uji-t untuk menguji perbedaan rata-rata kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen. Hasil perhitungan menggunakan Independent sample t-test menunjukkan jika nilai (2-tailed) < 0,05 ,karena hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kolom (2-tailed) yaitu sebesar 0,000 yang berarti lebih kecil dari 0,05. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah model make a match berbantuan kartu bergambar efektif digunakan dalam pelajaran IPA. Saran guru dan siswa diharapkan untuk menerapkan model pembelajaran Make a Match berbantuan kartu bergambar dalam pembelajaran di kelas dan untuk agar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa sehingga mutu sekolah meningkat.

The low quality of education was caused by student learning outcomes in several subjects that are fairly low. This was supported by the data on learning outcomes of the PAS IPA fourth-grade Diponegoro Elementary School in Pati Regency which is relatively low. One of the reasons is not knowing the suitable model to use when learning. The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of the models make a match aided by picture cards on the learning outcomes of the fourth-grade students of the Diponegoro Elementary School in Pati Regency. This research used quantitative methods and quasi-experimental research types. The sample of this research divided into 2 clusters, both of the clusters was taken at the fourth-grade. Tambahmulyo 01's Elementary School (18 students) and Tambahmulyo 02's Elementary School (14 students) were as an experimental class, Sonorejo Elementary School (26 students), and Kedungmulyo Elementary School (18 students) were as a control class. Learning outcomes data were analyzed by using a t-test to test the difference in the average of the control class and the experimental class. The results of the Independent sample t-test indicate if the value (2-tailed) <0.05, due to the results of the study indicate the column (2-tailed) is equal to 0,000 which means it is smaller than 0.05. The conclusion of the research from the models make a match aided by picture cards is effectively used in science lessons. The suggestions for teachers and students are expected to apply the Model of Make a Match aided by picture cards in classroom learning and improved the school quality by improving the students learning outcomes.