Analysis of Labor Absorption in Central Java Province

Sodik Dwi Purnomo


One of the labor problems is the availability of job opportunities which are very limited, while the number of workforce is increasing. This type of research used in this research is quantitative. The data used in this research is panel data with multiple linear regression analysis techniques. This data uses 35 districts / cities in Central Java Province from 2014-2019. The results showed that economic growth and inflation did not have a significant effect on employment in Central Java Province in 2014-2019. Meanwhile, Regional Minimum Wage and Human Development Index have a positive and significant effect on employment in Central Java Province in 2014-2019. The implications that can be given are the need to improve the quality of the population in Central Java Province. To increase the Human Development Index, it is possible to facilitate access to health and education facilities at affordable prices.


Labor; Economic Growth; Inflation; Regional Minimum Wage; HDI

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