Difusi Bebas 1D dan 2D dengan Monte Carlo: Perbandingan Distribusi Bilangan Random Normal dan Seragam dengan Box-Müller

Fairusy Fitria Haryani, Freddy Haryanto, Sparisoma Viridi


Many biological processes in the human body are based on the diffusion system. Diffusion is defined as a process of random movement of the particle whose the direction is from high concentrations to low concentrations. Many of various study of diffusion have been done both experimentally and computationally. Because the particle interaction is stochastic, the Monte Carlo (MC) method is used in performing particle simulations. The main of MC method is the use of random numbers. Many software have provided uniform random number generators. But based on the analytic results, the solution is normal distribution. Therefore, Box-Müller can be used as a transformation of particle distribution. The software used, MATLAB, has a normal random generator. Therefore, the aims of this study is comparing particle distribution of these two different random number generator with MATLAB and showing the impact of timestep parameter to these random number generator. This result can be used as based for the modelling of more complex biological systems.


diffusion; monte carlo; random number generator

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960%2Fjtaf.v9i1.2608