Equation of Malay vocabulary in the animation film of upin and ipin with banjarese vocabulary in South Kalimantan

Muhammad Rafiek


This research is aimed at explaining the equation of the Malay vocabulary in the animated film of Upin and Ipin with Banjarese vocabulary in South Kalimantan. In this research, the researcher used a qualitative method with comparative linguistic research design or equation characteristic method of linguistic features. In collecting the data, the researcher used the technique of listening and direct typing after watching the animated series Upin and Ipin on Youtube. In analyzing the data, the researcher used the equation techniques of forms and meanings of the vocabulary. This technique is called retention and innovation techniques together in methods of equation linguistic features (Mahsun, 2014). Researchers also analyzed and discussed using comparative linguistic theories from Adelaar, Blust, and Nothofer to reinforce the evidence that there are similarities in Malay vocabulary in the animated films Upin and Ipin with Malay vocabulary in South Kalimantan. The results of this research found that there are three groups of the equation of Malay vocabulary in the animated film of Upin and Ipin with Banjarese vocabulary in South Kalimantan, namely (1) Malay vocabulary in the animated film of Upin and Ipin have an equation in the form and differences meaning with the Banjarese vocabulary; (2) Malay vocabulary in the animated film of Upin and Ipin have an equation in form and meaning with the Banjarese vocabulary; and (3) Malay vocabulary in the animated film of Upin and Ipin have a semblance of forms and equation in meaning with Banjarese vocabulary, in South Kalimantan.


equations; the difference; form; the meaning; vocabulary

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