The role of FSC certification to maintain sustainability: the case of Precious Woods Amazon Company


  • Debora Ramos Santiago University of Brasília (UnB)



FSC certification, Environmental conservation, Sustainable forest management, PWA


The objective of this study is to analyze the role of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) for the maintenance of sustainability in the Amazon, considering the specific case of the timber Precious Woods Amazon (PWA), trying to understand the fundamental aspects of this certification program, the environmental benefits generated and the challenges for the conservation and promotion of sustainable development of the Amazon. As base of information, essentially was used the sources of data of the Forest Stewardship Council data (FSC), the Institute of Agricultural and Forest Management and Certification (IMAFLORA) and Precious Woods Amazon (PWA). The FSC certification has been considered an important instrument for the conservation of global sustainability, through their strict principles and criteria that enable forest management occurs in an environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable. In this perspective, the PWA has contributed significantly to the conservation of the Amazon, making it a world reference in sustainable use of forests. Despite the harsh criticism existing on the veracity of their practices, the available data revealed to be unquestionable the importance of PWA promoting sustainable development in the region, because since its inception the protected areas have been expanded, in addition, the company generates decent jobs, clean energy and income for these isolated areas in the interior of Amazon, also fostering productive traditional practices in the communities that surround them. Many are the challenges to market expansion certificate in the Amazon, requiring efficient actions to foster it, promoting the spread of information, supervision and implementation of beneficial policies directed to local conditions, so that forest certification become a reality in the market, not only internationally, but also location. Environmental certification is a green and responsible development, becoming a worldwide trend at recent times.


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How to Cite

Ramos Santiago, D. (2017). The role of FSC certification to maintain sustainability: the case of Precious Woods Amazon Company. REBRAE, 10(1), 8–35.


