Ict-Mediated Organizational Linguistics: A Bibliometric Review

John Arturo Buelvas Parra, William Niebles Núñez, Lorena Hoyos Babilonia


Information and communication technologies have generated a significant change in all organizational processes, especially those related to communication channels and linguistics developed in these contexts. In this way, the present study is developed in order to describe the scientific production related to Organizational Linguistics mediated by ICTs through bibliometric tools. At the methodological level, a documentary study is presented in which bibliometric techniques are applied to scientific production in the Scopus database, taking into account the keywords "organizational linguistics" and "Information and Communications Technology". Within the results, a total of 450 published documents related to ICT and organizational linguistics can be observed; where there is a significant increase in the number of publications in recent years, which could be related to the strengthening of these tools in the framework of the development of companies in the recent years. It is concluded that this area of knowledge is currently growing, but it has a high presence of transitory authors; with a greater emphasis on the United States as the main focus of intellectual production.


Organizational linguistics, information and communication technologies, bibliometric.

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