
  • O Nemeth Toth Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Sport Science, Szombathely
  • J. H. Ekler Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Sport Science, Szombathely
  • J. Patakine Bosze Institute of Health Promotion and Sport Science, Budapest
  • M. Koltai Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Sport Science, Szombathely


student opinion, online education, sports practice, theory


Aim of the study: The aim of our research is to map out the new aspect of life, in one section of higher education, created by the epidemiological situation, to get to know the methodics used by the teachers of the two sport science institutes (ESI, STI) in our faculty, and get to know our student's opinion on the topic. Methods: We worked with our own questionnaire, which includes the following groups of questions: demographic data, questions about the students' availability of tools, students' opinions about the requirements, communication with the instructor, the completion of the courses, changes in their own learning habits and their physical and practical preparation capabilities. The members of sample was studied at the Eötvös Loránd University PPK in Szombathely and Budapest by students majoring in sport field. Results: No difficulties were reported by our students, 90% had adequate tools. Their workload was much higher than in previous periods, which was reflected in a strong increase in time spent with studying (p <0.01). The lessons, tasks and dissertations carried out in the online learning space were a bigger challenge for the lecturers, based on the opinion of our students, the education did not seem more exciting or creative (2.8 on a 6-point scale). Opinions about the educational platforms used were evenly distributed, they did not find it difficult to navigate between the different surfaces (3.66 on a scale of 6.).Conclusion: The virtue of problem solving could be practiced in recent times. It is advisable to incorporate the experience of the recent period into the solutions of the important tasks aheadAim of the study: The aim of our research is to map out the new aspect of life, in one section of higher education, created by the epidemiological situation, to get to know the methodics used by the teachers of the two sport science institutes (ESI, STI) in our faculty, and get to know our student's opinion on the topic. Methods: We worked with our own questionnaire, which includes the following groups of questions: demographic data, questions about the students' availability of tools, students' opinions about the requirements, communication with the instructor, the completion of the courses, changes in their own learning habits and their physical and practical preparation capabilities. The members of sample was studied at the Eötvös Loránd University PPK in Szombathely and Budapest by students majoring in sport field. Results: No difficulties were reported by our students, 90% had adequate tools. Their workload was much higher than in previous periods, which was reflected in a strong increase in time spent with studying (p <0.01). The lessons, tasks and dissertations carried out in the online learning space were a bigger challenge for the lecturers, based on the opinion of our students, the education did not seem more exciting or creative (2.8 on a 6-point scale). Opinions about the educational platforms used were evenly distributed, they did not find it difficult to navigate between the different surfaces (3.66 on a scale of 6.).Conclusion: The virtue of problem solving could be practiced in recent times. It is advisable to incorporate the experience of the recent period into the solutions of the important tasks ahead

Author Biographies

O Nemeth Toth, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Sport Science, Szombathely

Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Sport Science, Szombathely

J. H. Ekler, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Sport Science, Szombathely

Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Sport Science, Szombathely

J. Patakine Bosze, Institute of Health Promotion and Sport Science, Budapest

Institute of Health Promotion and Sport Science, Budapest

M. Koltai, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Sport Science, Szombathely

Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Sport Science, Szombathely


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