Integration of Religious Awareness in Environmental Education

Abdul Karim


Environmental education plays an essential role in minimizing the alarming rate of environmental damage due to the limited understanding of the community about the benefits of conservation. The primary reason for this research is the exclusion of religious values in environmental education. This study aimed to determine the benefits of integrating religious values and environmental education to raise public awareness on this issue and comprehend the public response toward the integration between religious values and environmental education. This study employed a qualitative approach based on Participatory Action Research (PAR) which allowed the researcher to act as an interventionist, facilitator, and activist by collecting data through interviews, observations, and field notes to produce primary data. The study identifies three significant findings. First, government agencies responsible for environmental issues rarely involve religious leaders in environmental preservation discussions or activities. Second, environmental issues are not the primary topic in religious studies. Third, the community has a misconception that humans are the center of the universe. At the same time, the universe is only meant to satisfy human needs. The conclusion is that the religious understanding of the community has not yet touched on environmental issues. However, this study was limited to a community in Tambakromo, Pati Regency, Central Java. A study that involves more communities is needed. In addition, the use of survey methods and more participant involvement for future reviewers of similar topics. Thus, it can potentially obtain a comprehensive study result.


Integration; Religious Awareness; Environmental Education; Participatory Action Research (PAR)

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