Counting demand of vehicles to be parked by mathematical equation

Cárdenas-Gutiérrez Javier Alfonso, Cely-Calixto Nelson Javier, Moreno-Gamboa Faustino


The importance of the research lies in the need to give the problem of saturation and reduction of mobility an optimal solution that professionally guarantees positive results, to solve the crisis of vehicular demand during peak hours of tourism, in order to consult and analyze specific information of the sector of the urban area of the municipality of Chinácota, in which the procedure to formulate was developed and applied by performing traffic counts in that sector of the urban area of this municipality. The information that has been used to support the research is represented by physical and digital documents of inventory records of the road network, mapping of the place, surveys of parking areas usually used, observation and counting of vehicles in the field. Subsequently, the survey was divided into four parts equivalents to 25% each, taking as independent counting zones a 50% central sector and one in each corner of the block, which is complemented with the remaining portion of the contiguous block to result in another 50%. The counts were conducted on a deferred basis, during weekends, long weekends and holidays during the months of November 2019 to March 2020. Depending on the season and some uncontrollable causes such as the weather, the economy, and recently the coronavirus pandemic that significantly slowed trade and tourism in the municipality in recent weeks, the counts of the demand for vehicles to park may vary tending to increase.


count; tourism; demand; vehicles; parking.

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