Social Capital in the Development of Tolerance Behavior between Religious Communities in the Peaceful Village of Gemblegan, Klaten Indonesia

Tri Susanto


The conflict between religious communities is one of the problems that always arise. This is due to the diversity of religions in Indonesian society, so an approach that can minimize conflict is needed. One of them is through a role model as a reference in building an attitude of tolerance that can create inter-religious harmony through the development of social capital. Social capital is a critical instrument that significantly influences people's lives socially and economically. This qualitative research takes the subject in the village of Gemblegan, Klaten Regency, Indonesia. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and documentation to build tolerance among religious communities. Meanwhile, this research uses the theory of James Coleman about the concept of social capital. The results of the study show that the high social capital in the Gemblegan Village community, Klaten, therefore deserves the title of a peaceful village; this can be seen from the Trust, Norms, and social networks built by the village government and the community so that they can create sustainable inter-religious harmony.


Social Capital; Tolerance; Peaceful Village

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