An Experience Of Collective And Individual Understanding In Early Childhood From The Album Book

William Leonardo Perdomo Vanegas, Leidy Yohanna López Pineda, Marcela Carolina Báez Peñuela


This article presents part of the results of an investigation that sought to generate a training scenario that contributes to the quality of preschool and initial education and enhances critical, ethical and creative thinking skills in boys and girls for the construction of citizenship. creative. This research, entitled "Creative citizenship from the promotion of critical, ethical and creative thinking in early childhood children as social actors and peace builders", focused its actions on three specific communities: the CAI Albert Einstein Children's Care Center Foundation; the Christian Youth Association of Bogotá and Cundinamarca ACJ-YMCA; and the Il Nido del Gufo Library, Toy Library and Cultural Center. Methodologically, action research is chosen from a qualitative approach, taking dialogue communities as a method from the Philosophy for Children proposal. Thus, in the following lines, an approach to the concept of graphic narrative and album book will be made and subsequently the results of the implementation of the aforementioned methodology in relation to album book reading in children will be represented.


Album book, childhood, collective understanding and individual understanding

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