Centrifugal Disc Spreading Quality as a Function of Feeding Position: Simulations and Experiments

  • Ágnes GINDERT-KELE University of Debrecen Centre for Agricultural Sciences and Engineering
  • Erzsébet ANCZA University of Debrecen Centre for Agricultural Sciences and Engineering
  • Zoltán HAGYMÁSI University of Debrecen Centre for Agricultural Sciences and Engineering
Keywords: fertilizer, spinning disc, spreading, quality


A combination of an improved analytical model for the description of particle motion on the spinning disc and hodographic ballistics in the air was described earlier. The unified model (Gindert-Kele, 2006) is considered nearly exact for single particles leaving a conical disc with pitched straight vanes. ”In-silico” spreading calculations with experimentally characterized particle clusters are sensitive to both spreader and fertilizer properties. However, parameters like loading area and air-drag coefficients may need empirical corrections. In this work experimental and simulated spreading patterns are compared demonstrating the importance of the angle selection for fertilizer feeding.