Analysis of general and pharmaceutical world and national marketing research




marketing research, pharmaceutical information, pharmaceutical market


Marketing research is the basis of formation enterprise’s information policy and implementation of management system grounded on adoption of informed management decisions based on modern information. Since information has a price, it is considered as service or commodity. The life cycle of modern pharmaceutical information is characterized by short-term, and information itself is valuable, difficult to gather and interpreted. Market research market participants mark trends in increasing the number of errors, which leads to a rethinking of marketing research methods aimed at personalization and specification of individual research, the introduction of modern information products, programs, information systems.

Aim. To analyze the world market of marketing research and the state of commercial marketing research in the pharmaceutical market ofUkraine.

Results. The area of marketing research in the world is growing dynamically. TheUSA andGreat Britain are considered to have the largest markets,Ukraine occupies the 6th place among the European markets. Research of the pharmaceutical market rank the 3rd among all directions. The paper presents an analysis of the research types and use of automation in the process of marketing research. The analysis of commercial pharmaceutical marketing research, characteristics and directions of marketing companies specializing in research of the pharmaceutical market are presented. The Ukrainian marketing research companies specializes in pharmacy research and there are those for which this is one of the directions of their work.

Conclusions. Research allowed to assess the state of marketing research in the world and inUkraine, among which a sufficiently large share is occupied by the the pharmaceutical market study. At the same time, it has been shown that for today in the periodical literature there is no systematic analysis and generalization of the pharmacy marketing research inUkraine, further analysis in this direction is still relevant.


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research