Kampung Hejo SAE: Design Assistance of a COVID-19-Resilience Neighborhood

Weishaguna Weishaguna, Hilwati Hindersah, Verry Damayanti, Fachmy Sugih Pradifta


The sense of community is felt to be essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. The social bonds have become a mechanism for community resilience from the pandemic impact. The residents of Pasanggrahan, Ujungberung have formed this bond with various socio-cultural activities by optimizing community assets which are supported by Wallagri, a nature-cultural self-subsistent organization. Kampung Hejo SAE is a local neighborhood park which long been used as a collaborative space for creativity, productivity, the accomplishment of all community elements, and served as a public space. Design assistance was conducted through a series of FGD to create a productive and self-sustained community center. The descriptive qualitative analysis of FGD’s result found that there is a need for a space for community activities such as organic waste composter, recycling inorganic waste, rainwater harvesting, urban farming, and children's playground and aesthetics upgrading. The results show an aspiration that Kampung Hejo Sae could be optimized to mitigate the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic such as the provision of isolation rooms and other sources of household-scale income.The sense of community is felt to be essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. The social bonds have become a community’scoping mechanism for community pandemicresiliencey from the pandemic impact. The residents of Pasanggrahan, Ujungberung have formed this bond with various socio-cultural activities by optimizing community assets which are supported by Wallagri, a nature-cultural self-subsistent organization. Kampung Hejo SAE is a local neighborhood park which long been used as a collaborative space for creativity, productivity, the accomplishment of all community elements, and served as a public space. Design assistance was conducted through a series of FGD to create a productive and self-sustained community center. The descriptive qualitative analysis of FGD’s result found that there is a need for a space for community activities space such as organic waste composter, recycling inorganic waste, rainwater harvesting, urban farming, and children's playground and aesthetics upgrading. The results show an aspiration that Kampung Hejo Sae could be optimized to mitigate the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic such as the provision of isolation rooms and other sources of household-scale income.


design assistance; sense of community; public space; neighborhood unit; COVID-19.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v0i0.8419


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