Investment Decisions through Total Asset Growth toward Price to Book Value on the Jakarta Islamic Index

Syaugi Syaugi, Aulia Rahmah


This research analyzes the effect of investment decisions through Total Asset Growth (TAG) on Price to Book Value (PBV). Since PVB indicates stock measurement based on the ratio of stock price to book value, it is used by investors to assess the price offered. This research uses time-series data from 2014-2020 to examine seven companies selected using purposive sampling but based on fairly good asset developments from 2014 to 2020. Furthermore, this quantitative causal study data were collected using documentation from various sources and analyzed using a simple linear regression test. The results show that the TAG variable has no effect on PBV with a significance value of 0.89 > 0.05. This shows that TAG does not describe a stable company and is not always useful in investment decision-making.


investment; total asset growth; price to book value

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