Information Entropy of Shakespeare's Plays in the Light of Plurality in Translation: Cognitive Perspective

Yana Boiko


The article offers a cognitive research of the reasons and manifestations of information entropy in the time-remote original texts, namely Shakespeare's plays, with regard to chronologically distant translations into Ukrainian performed by Panteleimon Kulish and Yurii Andrukhovych. It is assumed that any literary text transmits certain scope of the information which is represented in the fulfillment of the literary concepts and verbalised by the linguistic means chosen by the author. Examination of the source text and its Ukrainian retranslations allows determining that information entropy of the time-remote original text causes plurality in translations viewed as different interpretations of the source text by different translators. The difference in translators' personal worldview as well as different life experience and social backgrounds lead to different interpretations of the original and presentation of different scope of information in their translations, which is caused by the information entropy of the time-remote source text which is revealed in different explication of the concepts of the source text in the target language.


information entropy, literary concept, plurality in translation, cognitive research, time-remote source text, Shakespeare's plays

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