The implications of fear, their consequences, and endings in the writings of Jordanian novelist Ahmed Mansour AzZu’be in his novel: “Sommon, Bokmon, Umyon”

Sana Kamel Ahmed Shaalan, Mona Muhammad Mahmoud Muhailan


This study examines the effects of fear and its consequences, concluding with the works of Jordanian novelist Ahmed Mansour Al-Zoubi. It also explores the consequences of this fear in terms of the values, beliefs, behaviors, actions, and visions described by Al-Zoubi about the individual and society, as well as the overlapping of their relationships in the society that he creates in his work, and drops them into the imagined worlds, through the novel Sommon, Bokmon, Umyon(Deaf..Dumb..Blind)  1990, which represented the issue of fear in its construction, and proceeded from it in the formation of its worlds, and the formation of its internal structures, it is based on the idea of fear that generates alienation in the individual and the group, the consequences of panic and alienation in this novel, and the inciting structures that it presents for revolution and rebellion against fear and alienation. The researchers relied on the literary approach in order to analyze and discuss the ideas presented in this novel. The study also provides an introduction to fear and how it has been invested in literature, in addition to studying the "tool" of fear in AzZu’be's as a method of vison, shaping, implementing, interpreting and revolutionizing, as well the interpretation of its potentials, results, implications, symbols, referrals, and objectives.


fear implications; Ahmed Mansour AzZu’be; novel; Sommon; Bokmon; Umyon

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