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Volume .12 Number n1 Year 2020

9 articles in this issue 

Emilio Santoro

The success of legal clinics is mainly due to the idea that they can give a professionalizing connotation to the degree courses in law, while the evocation of the realist tradition, of law in action, and the reference to social justice seem relegated to t... see more

Pags. 02 - 22  

Denis Rosenfield

O artigo busca explorar a dicotomia amigo e inimigo consagrada por Carl Schmitt. Trata-se de texto que perpassa pensadores como Hobbes, Hegel, Leo Strauss, Karl Loewenstein, Alexandre Kojève e Emil Fackenheim para elaborar – e disputar – uma série de prop... see more

Pags. 23 - 51  

Mario Caterini

El autor aborda de manera innovadora un tema clásico de hermenéutica penal: considera el favor rei un criterio interpretativo fundamental capaz de orientar al jurista y lo combina con la carga del juez, en caso de condena, de motivar en modo refutati... see more

Pags. 52 - 60  

Lucia Re

Many scholars and analysts stated that multiculturalism failed and blamed it for fostering radicalization in pluralist societies. Such analyses seem however to be simplistic. Other dynamics, such as social acceleration and the erosion of social securities... see more

Pags. 61 - 77  

Pasquale Viola

Constitutional law studies have predominantly focused on legal experiences covering only part of the phenomenon of constitutionalism, in spite of an increasing interest in Asian legal systems, no longer considered ‘younger sisters’ or mere ‘carbon copies’... see more

Pags. 78 - 97  

Fabio Saponaro

L’articolo esamina il controverso tema della convivenza tra la disciplina dei prezzi di trasferimento (transfer pricing) e quella della valorizzazione dei beni in dogana, con riferimento all’esperienza delle imprese facenti parte di una gruppo multinazion... see more

Pags. 98 - 127  

Gabriele Vestri

A lo largo de este trabajo hemos intentado analizar el fenómeno migratorio desde el punto de vista de las acciones de las administraciones de López Obrador y de Trump. Una comparación entre dos presidentes que recientemente se han asomado a la obligada ge... see more

Pags. 128 - 146  

Filippo Ruschi

Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems have become iconic of contemporary conflicts. Their impact, however, is not limited to the transformation of warfare and the evolution of military technologies. Rather, it is necessary to scrutinize how drones and militar... see more

Pags. 147 - 161