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Volume 7 Number 4 Year 1909

10 articles in this issue 

Arfan Amrin

The purpose of this research is to know the influence corporate characteristics to mandatory disclosure in annual report. The independent variables in this research are liquidity (FDR), profitability (OER), and company size (SIZE). Sampling method that us... see more


Renny Mointi

Analysis of  Differences in Premium and Pertamax Sales Rates before and after the existence of Pertalite at PT Pertamina / Persero Marketing Operation Region VII Sulawesi. This study aims to analyze the differences in the level of premium and first s... see more


Nurfaidah Nurfaidah

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Regional Financial Supervision Performed by the Inspectorate of Makassar City. The method of analysis used is qualitative descriptive analysis method, used to explain the local financial supervision by the... see more


H. Andi Rustam

The purpose of this study is to know the procedure of the calculation and collection of Surface Water Taxes owed to the Regional Income Board of South Sulawesi Province. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. The type and method used is the... see more


Izaac Lukas Dominggus Lawalata

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of credit and Non Performing Loan (NPL) on the profitability of conventional commercial banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The analytical method used is quantitative associative analysis method... see more


Ahmad Musseng

This research is aimed to explain the cause of factors in decreasing company’s profitability rate, and explain the most dominant factors affecting the profitability of company in which taken the case on Kopkar PT Telkom at Makassar. The benefits are as in... see more


Ilham AR Ilham AR, Isman Isman

This study aims to determine the influence of leadership and compensation with motivation as an intervening variable on employee performance. This research was conducted at PT. 1st Kayata Makmur Sejahtera, Makassar. The sample used is 37 people. Hypothesi... see more


Yusrab Ardianto Sabban

This study aimed to obtain an explanatory findings were tested on the effect of (1) level of education and work discipline on the performance of employees, (2) level of education on employee performance, (3) work discipline on employee performance, and (4... see more


Andi Ririn Oktaviani

The purpose of this research is to know the cause of fluctuation of core competency value, leadership competence and technical competence per individual employee which impact on performance value per individual employee at PT Semen Tonasa. This research u... see more


Salju Salju, Mastia Mastia

The purpose of research is to know and analyze the Influence of Motivation and Employee Commitment to Work Achievement At PT. Marina Putra Indonesia Representative of North Luwu Regency. The research is an explanatory research and using survey method. The... see more