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Volume 3 Number 1 Year 2018

8 articles in this issue 

Munadzir Ahsan Al Ghofiqi

This research focuses on factors that influence muzaki in whether they pay zakat or not to LAZISMU Jember. It aims to reveal each variable which influences and distunguish it significantly. The variables used are organisation, knowledge and understanding ... see more


Nina Martiana,Dewi Masitoh

Kualitas audit dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah faktor perilaku menyimpang dalam audit. Menurunnya kualitas audit ini akan berdampak pada ketidakpuasan pengguna jasa audit, yang pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan terkikisnya tingkat kepe... see more


Dion Yanuarmawan

The basic concept of accounting is a variety of concepts that can be standardized in delivering a neat and easy to understand financial statements. The basic concept of accounting is the concept of business entity and cost concept. The concept of cost det... see more


Yohan Bakhtiar

This study is a contemplation about accounting education objective from various perspective in accounting education research. Qualitative approach with interpretive paradigm are used in this study. The result of this contemplation is various perspective t... see more


Ira Puspitadewi Samsuryaningrum

This research aimed to determine the influence of compensation toward the employees performance by job satisfaction as intervening variable to the employees of CV. F1 Jember Advertising. The data in this research is from the companys’ data in 2013 period.... see more


Chichi Nani Icawati

This study focuses on the implementation of management systems carried out by the implementing teams established in each village. The implementation of accountability principle of the management of the allocation of village funds starts from the plan... see more