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Volume 1 Number 8 Year 2017

10 articles in this issue 

Joni Tandi, Moh Rizky, Rio Mariani, Fajar Alan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek serta dosis efektif ekstrak daun sukun dalam menurunkan kadar glukosa darah, kolesterol total dan gambaran histopatologi pangkreas pada hewan uji tikus putih jantan model hiperkolesterolemia-diabetes yang dii... see more

Pags. 384 - 396  

Sabaniah Indjar Gama

The Research about heavy metal that is contained in Medicine herbs has been. The soursop leaves and beluntas leaves has been  analyzed  metal content by  atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The Results show that the concentration of Pb is ... see more

Pags. 397 - 401  

Muhammad Khairul Nuryanto, Swandari Paramita, Abdillah Iskandar, Sjarif Ismail, Andre Kusuma Ruslim

Inflammation is a normal process in the human body as a response to injury from the healing process. Meanwhile, chronic inflammation will cause new health problems to patients. Anti-inflammatory agents generally used for those conditions, have several sid... see more

Pags. 402 - 407  

Andre Kusuma Ruslim, Silvia Anitasari, Sjarif Ismail, Eka Marwansyah Oli’I, Sinar Yani

Povidone iodine is an antiseptic that is often used for wounds after tooth extraction, but is often debated because it can cause damage to cells and tissues. African leaf (Vernonia amygdalina Del.) from the family Asteraceae has saponins as anti-microbial... see more

Pags. 408 - 414  

Rusvirman Muchtar, Yusi Fudiesta, Sukrido Sukrido, Devi Windaryanti

Green spinach( Amaranthus hybridus) was utilized as complement of food as vegetable as spinach is cooked through instillation process with stewed (clear spinach vegetable) and slicing (spinach vegetable). Besides contains a lot of nutrient, spinach also c... see more

Pags. 415 - 421  

Fitri Handayani, Reksi Sundu, Ria Mareta Sari

Guava leaves have been used as antidiarrhea, antioxidant, aniinflamation, and antimicrobial. The results of its preliminary phytochemical analysis showed the presence of tannins, flavonoids, steroids and saponins. This leaves also contain essential oil su... see more

Pags. 422 - 433  

Syamsu Eka Rinaldi, Suryanto Suryanto, Septina Asih Widuri

Akar kuning merupakan salah satu tumbuhan obat asli Kalimantan yang terdiri dari sedikitnya tiga spesies yaitu Fibraurea tinctoria Lour., Arcangelisia flava Merr. dan Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr. Bagian batang dan akar dari tumbuhan ini dimanfa... see more

Pags. 434 - 439  

Wayan Wirawan, Putu Suriyani

Pregnancy is a natural and physiological process. Any woman who has a healthy reproductive organs, Any woman who is pregnant will definitely experience Hyperemesis gravidarum mild, moderate or fallow. The purpose of this study is to determine the relation... see more

Pags. 440 - 447  

Yuniar Firsty Oktavia Lantika, Rolan Rusli, Welinda Dyah Ayu

Kanker organ reproduksi termasuk jenis kanker yang banyak terjadi pada wanita, salah satunya yaitu kanker serviks yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) dan salah satu cara pengobatan kanker yang digunakan adalah pengobatan kemoterapi se... see more

Pags. 448 - 455