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Volume 5 Number 10 Year 2015

40 articles in this issue 

D. M. Sebov

Sebov D. M. ?????? ???????? ????????? ????? ? ????????? ? ??????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ?????: ?????????? 5-??????? ????????????? = Analysis of arrhythmic disorders in patients with coronary heart disease: results of 5 years follow-up investigation. J... see more

Pags. 11 - 18  

Marta Lewicka,Ewa Barczykowska,Aleksandra Jaworska,Irena Daniluk-Matras,Andrzej Kurylak

Lewicka Marta, Barczykowska Ewa, Jaworska Aleksandra, Daniluk-Matras Irena, Kurylak Andrzej. The incidence of acute pancreatitis in children hospitalized with abdominal pain in Pediatric Surgery Clinic in Bydgoszcz. Journal of Education, Health and Sport.... see more

Pags. 29 - 42  

Magdalena Sowa,Andrzej Winnicki,Michal Tarkowski,Lukasz Saletnik

Sowa Magdalena, Winnicki Andrzej, Tarkowski Michal, Saletnik Lukasz. Segregacja medyczna poszkodowanych w obliczu zdarzen masowych i katastrof = Medical segregation harmed in the face of mass events and disasters. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2... see more

Pags. 43 - 50  

Bartosz Kochanski,Anna Kaluzna,Krystian Kaluzny,Lukasz Wolowiec,Walery Zukow,Wojciech Hagner

Kochanski Bartosz, Kaluzna Anna, Kaluzny Krystian, Wolowiec Lukasz, Zukow Walery, Hagner Wojciech. Zespól przetrenowania w sporcie – mechanizm, objawy, przyczyny = Overtraining in sport - mechanism, symptoms, causes. Journal of Education, Health and Sport... see more

Pags. 51 - 60  

R. Blyzniuk,T. Dzetsiukh

Blyzniuk R., Dzetsiukh T. Disorders peculiarities of the bile-formed and bile-excreting liver functions in the early period of traumatic disease on the background of chronic hepatitis. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):61-68. ISSN 23... see more

Pags. 61 - 68  

A. Yu. Sydorenko,A. K. Kurkevych,M. V. Markova

Sydorenko A. Yu., Kurkevych ?. ?., Markova ?. V. Peculiarities of psychoemotional condition of pregnant women before foetus echocardiography and parents’ reaction to the prenatal diagnosis = ??????????? ??????????????????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ?????... see more

Pags. 69 - 78  

Ewelina Druminska,Sylwia Wilczynska,Malgorzata Pujszo,Robert Stepniak

Druminska Ewelina,Wilczynska Sylwia, Pujszo Malgorzata, Stepniak Robert. Pedagogika zdrowia – sekcja judo jako miejsce „uczenia sie zdrowia” mezczyzn w róznym wieku = Health pedagogy - Section judo as a space of "health learning" men of different ages. Jo... see more

Pags. 79 - 90  

M. A. Luchynskyy

Luchynskyy M. A. ???? ??????????????????? ??????? ????? ??????????? = State of Precarpathian children’s somatic health. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):91-97. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI see more

Pags. 91 - 97  

Dmytro Dmytriiev,Oleksandr Nazarchuk

Dmytriiev Dmytro, Nazarchuk Oleksandr. Pre-emptive administration of intravenous acetaminophen with transversus abdominis plane block (tap-blocke) in the prevention of fentanil-induced hyperalgesia in pediatric oncological patient undergoing abdominal sur... see more

Pags. 98 - 107  

Mariusz Posluszny

      Posluszny Mariusz. Próba okreslenia wplywu terapii BEMER na wybrane wskazniki krwi w ramach procesu odnowy biologicznej po wysilku wytrzymalosciowym. Studium przypadku = An attempt to determine the effect of BEMER therapy on sele... see more

Pags. 121 - 140  

B. B. Kravets

Kravets B. ???? ????????? ? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ??????????-???????????? ??????? ? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ?????????????????? ?????????????? ???????? ?? ??? ????????????????? ???????????? ????? ? ????????? = The corvitini role in the corrections d... see more

Pags. 141 - 145  

Wieslaw Galor,Grzegorz Nadolny,Dawid Aleksander Szatten

Galor Wieslaw, Nadolny Grzegorz, Szatten Dawid. Stan infrastruktury hydrotechnicznej w aspekcie rozwoju turystyki i transportu wodnego na Kanale Bydgoskim = Conditions of hydrotechnical infrastructure in the aspect of development of tourism and water tran... see more

Pags. 146 - 157  

I. M. Grygus,L. ?. Petruk

Grygus I. M., Petruk L. ?. ?????? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ??????????????? ????? ????????? ??????????? ???????? ????? = Assessment of indices of physical development and functional status of female students of a special medical group. Journal of E... see more

Pags. 158 - 169  

Nataliya M. Ferents

Ferents N. M. The functional status of the prooksidant and antioxidant systems in the liver in the dynamics of formation of experimental pneumonia. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):180-184. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI see more

Pags. 180 - 184  

Volodymyr Pyndus

Pyndus Volodymyr. Peculiarities of changes in indices of immunological reactivity in experimental allergic alveolitis under adrenalin myocardial injury and their correction with thiotriazoline = ??????????? ???? ?????????? ????????????? ???????????? ??? ?... see more

Pags. 185 - 190  

S. I. Smiyan,S. V. Danchak

Smiyan S. I., Danchak S. V. ???????? ????????????? ? ???????? ???????????? ? ?????? ?? ??????? ? ????????? ? ????????????? ??????????????? = Lipid peroxidation and endotoxemia syndrome ?orrection in patients with gout combined with nonalcoholic steat... see more

Pags. 191 - 198  

E. L. Koshelnik,V. V. Desyatsky

Koshelnik E. L., Desyatsky V. V. ?????????????? ???????? ???????? ??????????? ? ????? ?? ????????????????? ???? = Rats’ experimental acute pancreatitis pharmacological correction. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):199-206. ISSN 2391-8306.... see more

Pags. 199 - 206  

Zuzanna Gazdowska,Maja Ryszkiewicz,Dariusz Parzelski

Gazdowska Zuzanna, Ryszkiewicz Maja, Parzelski Dariusz. Polska adaptacja Kwestionariusza Zródel Pewnosci Siebie w Sporcie (SSCQ-PL) – geneza teoretyczna oraz badanie pilotazowe wlasciwosci psychometrycznych = Polish adaptation of Sources of Sport-Confiden... see more

Pags. 207 - 220  

Anna Nikolaeva

The Aim of this research was to study the influence of chronic insufficiency of the plant polyphenols in the diet of of rats on the morphological changes in the epithelium of of the oral mucosa.Materials and methods. The experiment was conducted on 14 whi... see more

Pags. 221 - 226  

Y. Zabulonov,O. Chukhraiyeva,A. Vladimirov,M. Chukhraiyev,W. Zukow

Zabulonov Y., Chukhraiyeva O., Vladimirov A., Chukhraiyev M., Zukow W. Diabetic peripheral angiopathy treatment using a multi-laser therapy device. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):227-233. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI see more

Pags. 227 - 233  

A. M. Ignatiev,T. A. Ermolenko,N. I. Turchin,T. L. Prutiyan,A. V. Shanygin

Ignatyev A. M., Ermolenko T. A., Turchin N. I., Prutiyan T. L., Shanygin A. V. ?????? ????????? ?????????? ? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ??????? ?????-?????????? ??????? ???????????? ? ??????? ?????????? ????????? = Application exercise depending on the pe... see more

Pags. 234 - 243  

M. O. Ostapets,I. I. Shevtsov,M. E. Bereznyakova,L. V. Karabut

Ostapets M. O., Shevtsov I. I., Bereznyakova M. E., Karabut L. V. ????? ?????? ????????? ? ????? ?????? ???????? ?? ????????? ??????? ????????? = The effect of dry extract of geranium palustre herb on indicators of gemostasis. Journal of Education, Health... see more

Pags. 244 - 250  

Aneta Rutkowska,Joanna Skonieczna,Dominik Olejniczak

Rutkowska Aneta, Skonieczna Joanna, Olejniczak Dominik. Badanie poziomu satysfakcji pacjentów z funkcjonowania podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej w Polsce i we Wloszech. Analiza porównawcza = Measuring patient satisfaction in primary health care. Comparative a... see more

Pags. 251 - 261  

O. Uy. Naumenko,A. I. Gozhenko

Naumenko O. Uy., Gozhenko A. I. ???? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????????? ? ?????????? ??????????? ???????? = Role of metabolic disorders of nitrogen compounds in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):... see more

Pags. 262 - 268  

V. V. Shuhtin,M. V. Leszczynskiy,I. Uy. Badyin

Shuhtin V. V., Leszczynskiy M. V., Badyin I. Y. ????????? ????????????? ??????????? ???? ? ??????????????? ??????? ? ??????????? ?????? ??????????? ???????????? ? ??????? ?????????????? ??????? ?????? ???????????? = Comparison of the effectiveness of nsai... see more

Pags. 269 - 274  

Urszula Kazmierczak,Aleksander Goch,Grzegorz Srokowski,Patrycja Kropkowska,Pawel Zniszczol,Agnieszka Radziminska,Katarzyna Strojek,Walery Zukow

Kazmierczak Urszula, Goch Aleksander, Srokowski Grzegorz, Kropkowska Patrycja, Zniszczol Pawel, Radziminska Agnieszka, Strojek Katarzyna, Zukow Walery. Ocena równowagi i polozenia srodka ciezkosci u pacjentów po laryngektomii = The assessment of the balan... see more

Pags. 275 - 283  

Taras Kotyk

Kotyk Taras. Features of ultrastructural restructuring of hemocapillaries of the submandibular gland in rats in case of diabetes mellitus. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):284-290. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI see more

Pags. 284 - 290  

Olena Kolodenko,Walery Zukow

Kolodenko Olena, Zukow Walery. ???????????? ?????????????? ? ???????????? ?????????-?????????? ????????? ?????? ? ????????? ???????? ????? ????? ??????????? ???????????????? ???????? =The balneoterapy in complex rehabilitation of patients with coronary he... see more

Pags. 291 - 298  

Oksana Stukan

Stukan Oksana. ?????????? ???????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????? ?????????? ???????? ????? = Enhancement of efficiency perception a lecture material medical students. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):299-305. ISSN 2391-8306. DOIhtt... see more

Pags. 299 - 305  

Hennadij Petrenko

Petrenko Hennadij. The innovative trends in the methodology of physical education of children in the age of 5-6. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):306-317. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI see more

Pags. 306 - 317  

A. A. Avramenko,I. N. Shuhtina,V. V. Shuhtin,L. M. Bobrik,R. N. Boris,W. Zukow

Avramenko A. A., Shuhtina I. N., Shuhtin V. V., Bobrik L. M., Boris R. N., Zukow W. ??????? ?????????????? ?????? ?? ???????? ?????????? ??????????????? ???????? = Effects of temperature on urease activity of h. Pylori infection. Journal of Education, Hea... see more

Pags. 318 - 322  

Y. Kovbasniuk,O. Plenova

Kovbasniuk Yuriy, Plenova Olga. Anticoagulant treatment of af: focus on the warfarin dosage. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):323-326. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI see more

Pags. 323 - 326  

O. V. Shmanko

Shmanko O. V. ???????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????????? ? ?????????? ?? ?????????? ? ????????????? ? ?????? ?? ??????????? ??????????? ? ???????????? ????????? = The effectiveness of the fixed drug combinations of lisinopril with meldonium and of ena... see more

Pags. 327 - 339  

Oksana Hotsko,Igor Galaychuk

Hotsko Oksana, Galaychuk Igor. Spectral Analysis of Digital Images as a New Method in Diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):340-349. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI see more

Pags. 340 - 349  

Wojciech Wojtasik,Aleksandra Szulc,Michal Kolodziejczyk,Adam Szulc

Wojtasik Wojciech, Szulc Aleksandra, Kolodziejczyk Michal, Szulc Adam. Wybrane zagadnienia dotyczace wplywu wysilku fizycznego na organizm czlowieka=Selected issues concerning the impact of physical exercise on the human organism. Journal of Education, He... see more

Pags. 350 - 372  

L. M. Shafran,S. G. Sidorenko,V. V. Golikov?,W. Zukow

Shafran L. M., Sidorenko S. G., Golikova V. V., Zukow W. Role of fumigation in labour conditions characteristic of the grain transport conveyor workers = ???? ????????? ? ?????????????? ??????? ????? ??????? ????????? ????????????? ?????????. Journal of E... see more

Pags. 373 - 385  

L. Yu. Babintseva

Babintseva L. Yu. ????? ????????????? ????????????? ???????????????? ??????? ???????????? ??????????? = The method of comparing the effectiveness of drug treatment of hypertension. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):386-392. ISSN 2391-8306... see more

Pags. 386 - 392